Brain teasers to understand and boost cognitive abilities

First of all, what is cog­ni­tion? Cog­ni­tion has to do with how a per­son under­stands and acts in the world. It is a set of mental processes that are part of nearly every human action. For instance, answer­ing the tele­phone involves per­cep­tion (hear­ing the ring tone), deci­sion tak­ing (answer­ing or not), motor skill (lift­ing the receiver), lan­guage skills (listening and talk­ing), social skills (inter­pret­ing tone of voice and inter­act­ing prop­erly). Cog­ni­tive abil­i­ties are supported by spe­cific neu­ronal net­works and brain struc­tures. For instance mem­ory skills rely mainly on parts of the tem­po­ral lobes and parts of the frontal lobes (behind the forehead). In the article What are Cognitive Abilities and Skills? you can find good explanation and examples, together with stimulating brain teasers to exer­cise the cog­ni­tive abil­i­ties described. Learn, and have fun!  
Source: SharpBrains - Category: Neurologists Authors: Tags: Brain Teasers Cognitive Neuroscience cognitive-abilities deci­sion tak­ing lan­guage skills per­cep­tion social-skills Source Type: blogs