Comparative analysis of blood cell counters and free mobile applications in differential leukocyte count

ABSTRACT The inflammatory response represents a fundamental component of the tumor microenvironment and is responsible for mediating the biological communication network and the molecular signal flow that characterize the neoplastic tissue. Thus, influenced by the inflammatory process, neoplastic and non-neoplastic cells (recruited stromal and circulating cells) interact in a autocrine and paracrine mechanism to control, delineate and model the tumor growth, which is driven by a dynamic mechanism of production of cytokine, growth factors and remodeling enzymes of the extracellular matrix, creating a system of multidirectional influence that, in an accurate analysis, creates a new scientific concept of cancer, now understood as a complex tissue society, in which most of the members cooperate facilitating for neoplasia growth, for the subversion of the immune resistance and favoring metastatic dissemination.RESUMEN La respuesta inflamatoria representa un componente fundamental del microambiente tumoral, y es responsable por mediar la red de comunicaci ón biológica y de señalización molecular que caracteriza el tejido neoplásico. Así, influenciadas por el proceso inflamatorio, células neoplásicas y no neoplásicas (estromales y circulantes ya reclutadas) interactúan de forma autocrina y paracrina para controlar, delinear y remodelar el cr ecimiento del tumor, que es impulsado por un mecanismo dinámico de producción de citocinas, factores de crecimiento y enzimas remod...
Source: Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial - Category: Pathology Source Type: research