E-Verify Let 12 million Illegal Hires Happen Since 2006 —80% of Attempts

ConclusionE-Verify has stopped relatively few illegal hires. Even those few illegal workers that E-Verify has stopped probably found a job —either at a company not using E-Verify or at an E-Verify company after applying with a new identity. Overall, E-Verify may have made illegal employment slightly more difficult, but not nearly enough to, as the cliché goes, “turn off the jobs magnet” that draws immigrants to the United States .  Table 1: E-Verify Cases and Illegal Workers (In Thousands)!function(e,t,s,i){var n= " InfogramEmbeds " ,o=e.getElementsByTagName( " script " )[0],d=/^http:/.test(e.location)? " http: " : " https: " ;if(/^\/{2}/.test(i)&&(i=d+i),window[n]&&window[n].initialized)window[n].process&&window[n].process();else if(!e.getElementById(s)){var r=e.createElement( " script " );r.async=1,r.id=s,r.src=i,o.parentNode.insertBefore(r,o)}}(document,0, " infogram-async " , " https://e.infogram.com/js/dist/embed-loader-min.js " );
Source: Cato-at-liberty - Category: American Health Authors: Source Type: blogs