Renewing the EU project: young EU citizens on the stage - CATCH-EyoU final conference - 6 September 2018, Brussels

Bridge the gap between young Europeans and EU Institutions, improve dialogue to enhance young people trust and active engagement in the EU issues, ensure equal participation opportunities and youth’s request meeting: these are major challenges for today and future’s European Union. During the conference, the following topics that will be discussed: · Young Europeans and the EU: lessons learnt approaching the 2019 European Elections · Young Europeans and Participation: experiences learnt in co-constructing democracy across generations · Closing the Gap between Young People and (EU) Institutions: findings and recommendations for policy makers
Source: EUROPA - Research and Innovation: Events - Category: Research Tags: Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities - D72DA833-D55A-D020-5AD04BAD9FDAE762 *** Link back to SSH web site *** - 6480D277-D892-3DFD-927982702BDC1BD6 Source Type: events