vintage scutmonkey: surgery

So starting in 2000, and for more than a decade thereafter, I used to have part of my blog hosted on a platform called Homestead. (The f., you say? Shut up, it was the early 2000s, we didn ' t have nice things back then.) Homestead was clunky and hard to navigate and ugly as sin, and they also charged me upwards of $400 a year in annual hosting fees. As aresident I paid this. I mean, my God. Every July they wouldextort me remind me to cough up this renewal fee, and every July I would put off the payment as late as possible until they threatened to wipe all my data, at which point I ' d pay and they ' d keep my files online for another year. Anyway, one summer, many years ago, I just decided not to renew, they made good with their promise, and anyway, that ' s why the oldest strata of archives on this seventeen year-old blog have been fittingly lost in the ether. (That ' s an anesthesia joke for you. Not a good one, I admit, but...there really aren ' t that many great anesthesia jokes.)Anyway, I do mourn the loss of those first three years of archives (as much for their Web 1.0-tackiness as for the content itself), but one thing that I didn ' t count on happening was that I would lose the scans of the first three long-form Scutmonkey comics I ever made, about three third-year clinical rotations I did in medical school: Psych, OB-Gyn, and Surgery. I am certain that the original hard copies remain somewhere in my possession, but I ' ve moved 5 different times since then, and wha...
Source: the underwear drawer - Category: Anesthesiology Authors: Source Type: blogs