Starting this year with a bang!!!

I never make resolutions because I can't keep them. BUT.....I've decided that we are going to make a few changes around here! I think that I forget that I AM NOT THE ONE WHO HAS DIABETES! (OK, would you please come stamp that across my forehead so that every time I look in the mirror I get reminded???) LOL!!! This is HIS disease, not mine. And I/we do have a life!We have been saving our pennies and it came down to the big decision. Do we remodel the kitchen or do we buy a small used travel trailer and join one of my sisters and her hubby on some of their adventures?Hmmmm.... he wanted the kitchen, I wanted the trailer. And once we talked out all the pros and cons, even with his diabetes, we opted for the trailer. Why? because it will kill him or get him into better shape and all the kitchen remodel would do is make him want to cook more and eat more. HA!  So his diabetes was a major input factor in my decision to go on the road. Can't stock too much in it. Going to have to grill most everything. Might force a healthier lifestyle when we are gone?We are planning to join my sis in a couple weeks for a few days. Jump in head first....let my bro-in-law show us the ropes. We have fairly good health insurance which should cover any emergency anywhere. And we can always come home if things get too bad. Yep, I know, I will do most of the schlepping, cleaning, etc. But I do have a ...
Source: Wife of a Diabetic - Category: Endocrinology Source Type: blogs