Announcing Vivace! Microneedling Meets Radio Frequency

Vivace is an FDA-approvedmicroneedling device that uses radio frequency (RF) technology and treatment serums for improved skin tone, texture and firmness. Patients typically seek micro needling to address:Fine lines and wrinkles Loose skin Scar reduction Spider veins Stretch marks Pore size.Dr. Hamori is pleased to announce it as the newest addition to the microneedling offerings in the Skin Spa. Microneedling, which is also known as collagen induction therapy, is a minimally invasive treatment that provides skin rejuvenation through production of collagen and elastin. What makes Vivace unique is the addition of the RF and its proprietary treatment serums.The Vivace Experience™ includes:Personalized Compounded Numbing CreamThe Vivace Microneedling RF with Corresponding Red or Blue LEDOptimal Treatment Serum: Boost Glide SerumEnhance Weekly MaskSoothe Recovery System (Channels Open 4 to 6 Hours)Soothe Recovery SpraySoothe Recovery CleanserSoothe Recovery BalmEach treatment takes about 45 minutes, with an additional 30 to 45 minutes prior to the treatment to allow for topical numbing cream to take affect. Typically, three treatments, spaced four to six weeks apart, are required. Results can take up to three months to fully appear as the process of collagen regeneration increases over time.Learn more at our Skin Spamicroneedling page, or at schedule an appointment to be considered as a candidate for this treatment...
Source: What's New In Plastic Surgery? - Category: Cosmetic Surgery Tags: microneedling radio frequency RF skin rejuvenation skin spa vivace Source Type: blogs