Health Update

I finally made it to the doctor yesterday, needing medication for my asthma/bronchitis, and had kind of a laundry list of other issues since I had not been in for awhile.He prescribed the needed steroid I had come for (I have just given in since that is the only thing that works), then we moved on to my...I guess I do need to document this, my apologies to anyone reading this. My bowel movement issues?Not just blood, but once, only blood, and lots of it. That should suffice for details. I had to use a pad that day to catch all of the blood from the WRONG end!No, I did not race to the doctor when it happened, any of the times. For some reason I was convinced, or had convinced myself that it was a bad side effect of my migraine medication.I kept repeating that and he finally said no, it is *definitely* not a side effect of Imitrex. Well there you go. He asked a few more questions, like if there was a history of colon cancer in the family to which I have no idea. My mother was adopted. I left with something called a FIT test to screen for colon cancer and a script for a blood test.I am not really freaked out, just documenting it really although it is on my mind and I am sure that is normal. Really, it could be anything - it could be nothing. Hemorrhoids I suppose?My daily headaches I think he chalked up to not at all taking care of my allergies and asthma and told me to get back to my daily maintenance schedule asap.Also - n...
Source: - Category: Psychiatry Source Type: blogs