Artificial Intelligence at RSNA: I ' m Sorry, Dave. I ' m Afraid I Won ' t Be Taking Over...

DISCUSSION all over RSNA was Artificial Intelligence, and in particular, AI as applied to Radiology. Well, let ' s be even more specific. There was a cloud (pun intended) hanging over McCormick, the specter of RSNA Yet To Come, which I quite presciently predicted in my 2011RSNA Christmas Carol:I sat down on a PET/CT gantry and bowed my head. The room spun, and when I looked up again, we were seated on a bench beside Lake Michigan. It was a blustery day, with winds one only sees in Chicago in the winter. Strangely, I felt no chill, as I watched leaves blowing through the PACSman ' s shadowy figure.I looked behind me and gasped. The once-stately Lakeside Center was in ruins, shattered black pillars and glass everywhere." PACSman! What happened here? "" Oy, Dalai, you need to lay off the Kung Pao, OK? Welcome to RSNA 2045, " he said. " Or, well, it would have been if there still was an RSNA. Which there isn ' t. "" But why? "" What did you expect? " he said. " Between the UnAffordable Care Act, the doctors ' ' fix ' that fixed you guys good, and all of your good friends, the clinicians, you radiologists didn ' t stand a chance. "" But who reads imaging studies now? " I asked." Geez, Dalai, why do you even care? OK, OK, " he said. " You ' ve come this far. Look, imaging reached the point where it didn ' t pay squat, right? So no one wanted to do it anymore. Even physicians ' assistants and nurse practitioners wouldn ' t touch it. Imaging got so cheap that people got their scans a...
Source: Dalai's PACS Blog - Category: Radiology Source Type: blogs