10 Reasons We Love Libras (Born September 23-October 22)

No matter what zodiac sign we were born under, our birthday is a special celebration of our life and the qualities that makes us unique. We all like to be acknowledged for our birthday. So, if today is your birthday or you know of someone born at this time, why not let them know how much they are appreciated. At this is the time of the year, we honor the birth sign Libra. It is the seventh sign of the zodiac. Libras are born between September 23 and October 22. Of course, there are so many reasons to love a Libra, but here are some of the best ones. 1. They are charming, lovely and love to flirt. There is something charismatic and engaging about Libras. They have such grace and style and are often quite beautiful or handsome. No wonder they attract so many admirers. They love to get dressed up and mingle anywhere they can meet new and interesting people. Because beauty is important to them, they have a strong need to attract partners and friends who are also physically attractive. Some would say that's superficial. Oh, well. 2. They love to party, socialize and enjoy the arts. Libras tend to be marvelous conversationalist with diverse interests. They can enjoy activities as diverse as the theatre, an art show, decorating, attending a poetry reading or making the scene at an all night party at the trendiest club. They have a need to find new and exciting social venues where the most interesting people hangout. 3. They fear missing out and will never say no to us! Bec...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news